Exercise Prescription & Rehabilitation.

At Portside Sports Physiotherapy we strive to keep moving injury free, getting you to a level higher than pre-injury and staying active post-treatment.

If you’ve been injured and visited your physiotherapist, chances are you’ve been given exercises to do at some stage of your recovery.  Most people understand the link between getting muscles stronger after an injury, but exercise can also be prescribed to manage your training loads, reduce future injuries, improve performance and reduce your pain during your treatment. 

  • For acute injuries, deconditioning or a decrease in muscle strength occurs almost immediately afterwards. For long-standing pain or chronic conditions, this can be a gradual reduction and may go unnoticed until you try to resume activities you haven’t done in awhile. In both scenarios, your tissue tolerance has reduced.

    Often people seek out injury advice to treat the pain, but a comprehensive assessment will often show a level of weakness, motor control reduction, stiffness or reduction in mobility. For this, one technique is to prescribe exercises to treat the cause of the issue and reduce overall pain.

  • Exercise can be a powerful treatment in reducing pain. By improving tissue healing, stimulating muscle growth and assisting in coordinating movement patterns, both pain and the chance of re-injury are reduced.

    Often during an injury, pain can change the way we move. In this situation, restoring pain-free movement, and utilising exercises to build up correct movement patterns and strength helps to avoid injuries reoccurring plus restore normal pain-free movement.


“We help you move better by first taking the time to listen to you and your story, then plan the best management program that suits your body and goals.”

— Phillip Bosson | Portside Sports Physiotherapy Founder

Book An Appointment.

Email: hello@portsidephysio.com.au
Phone: 0423 576 006

Address: 132 Hannell St Wickham NSW 2293


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